The Blogosphere


Illustrated by: Austine Therese B. Velasco

I see blogosphere as another way or tool to interact with other people around the world. People sometimes can express more what they want to say through writing. It stirs up conversation that can generate new ideas. Through blogosphere we can express our creative ideas and share it instantly. The process unlocks hidden ideas in your own mind that can lead to new insights. 

*first illustration shows the meaning of Blogosphere 

Taping at UST

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Last Saturday, August 16, Thomasians witnessed Ryzza Mae Dizon and Marian Rivera shoot their scenes for their upcoming film. It is my first time to see a shooting day around the campus that’s why i grabbed the chance to see how they managed to do it. I noticed that the staff and crew of the production are professional and passionate with regards to their work. I think in that kind of industry, it is very important to take every scene seriously because it’s not that easy. I hope that i can witness more that kind of scenario because the film industry is one thing that i want to keep track on.