Those eyes

eyesThere is really something about eyes that fascinates me.

Maybe it’s the way they speak with you about the truth

A way to tell true emotions just by looking at them

May it be a fear, happiness or hurt

it shows an emotion that a shaking nervous hands could never tell

The way it digs out your deepest thoughts, no one would understand

the way it lights up the world when you’re happy

or have water drips from them when you’re in so much pain

when words aren’t good enough anymore

There is really something about those eyes, no one could ever explain.


by  Christine Caisip



University of Santo Tomas



Yesterday I remembered

I was crying my eyes out

but today I can’t stop smiling

Life is bipolar that way

one day death seems like the only option you have

and the next day, life seems like the only greatest thing

and that’s totally normal

you’re gonna have the days you cry in so much pain

down on your knees,

days that you’d rather be dead

and there will be days when all you do is to smile

your laugh will be so rhythmic, so free

like the thought of just living excites you

we will all find happiness suddenly

but you just gotta keep pushing

because there is so much more to see

there is so much more in life




The science of society.

While taking a class in sociology. I was given a new insight from the lecture of the professor. An insight on development.

It came to me as the professor was asking, “What is development? Does having these things make a country developed?” which made me dive into further thinking.

What Really is Development?

Does having a grand city mean that the city is developed? That a city has plenty of nightclubs, casinos and malls, people believe it to be a developed country. Though even if you have a city littered with Malls to cater to the rich, grandiose buildings adorning the city skyline that the metropolis looks like a diamond glittering in the sunlight, can it be called developed? Even when more than half of the population is barely getting by? When more than half does not have access to these so called “man made wonders”?…

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Who blogs more often? Male Or Female?

Engines of Commerce

BLOG – is an onlinejournalwhereanindividual or a group presentsarecordof activities,thoughts,orbeliefs.

Who blogs more often? Men or Women?

According to my research, there are more female bloggers than male bloggers. The difference between genders in the blogosphere is balanced with women making up 50.9% and males 49.1% of bloggers. 

“Women who blog…were more likely than other groups to say that they blogged mainly about personal experiences.” Majority of women described their blogs as a mix of personal reflection and academic analysis, while male bloggers described their blogs as “very academic.” When asked about the tone that a blog author strives for, male bloggers emphasized the absence of personal experiences: “Personal in tone, but not in content,” and “I didn’t think most people would really care that much about my personal life.” On the other hand, many female bloggers stressed that the opportunity…

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The myth that cellphone can burn a whole gas station.

Engines of Commerce

Is the myth real about cellphones can cause fire to the gas station?
This is the myth when you approach a gas station the employees there say that “please turn off all cellphones because it might cause fire”. Now we are going to see if the myth is true or not, this helps us when we go to a gasoline station to know what to do and to know how to prevent fire cases, and if we have some important calls or messages to see when we are at a gas station.

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Advertising Is an Art—and a Science


William Bernbach, one of the giants of American advertising in the 1960s and 1970s (the period-piece TV show Mad Men often refers to him), famously said of his profession, “Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art.”

That may still be true. But the case for advertising as a science is surely getting stronger. This month’s Spotlight on the Future of Advertising takes a look at the industry’s dramatic transformation and highlights some of the approaches and campaigns that have been most successful.

The biggest change, of course, is the explosion of data now available to advertisers as they try to connect with consumers across a multitude of platforms. The big question: How do managers make sense of all those metrics?

In “Advertising Analytics 2.0,” Wes Nichols, cofounder of MarketShare, shows how firms can craft strategies that use new mathematical modeling to generate more sales. Companies, he says, now can achieve a far more sophisticated understanding of how their messages touch consumers, and can change their strategies, if necessary, on the fly. Getting it right can mean lifting marketing performance by as much as 30%.

In an accompanying piece, Jeffrey Rayport, managing partner of digital strategy firm MarketspaceNext, explains what companies need to do to get their message heard in an era where interruption and repetition are no longer effective. And Sunil Gupta, of Harvard Business School, demonstrates how top marketers are mastering the smartphone—not with tiny ads, which no one seems to like or even notice, but with apps that provide customers with real value.

And be sure to look at our review of recent ad campaigns that truly stand out. Bernbach would no doubt be impressed. “[I]t would be easy to conclude that advertising has flipped to all science and no art,” writes HBR’s Julia Kirby. “But then along comes fresh creative to show us what really sells.”

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I want to share my realizations about everything in both our subjects here. I just want to say that I understand your philosophies and style of teaching but given that I am used to the traditional style of teaching, I got overwhelmed with your new style. I got confuse because I’m not really into blogging and I am not familiar to this type of blogging. I am used to sharing my opinions inside the classroom where the professor could listen to it physically. I guess what happened between our block and you is just a miscommunication. Forgive us if you think we’re antoginizing you. We actually don’t. We just shared what we think of of your sytle, Sir. I guess the best that could happen now is for us – students and you as a prof alike – to meet halfway. I think it would be best if go traditional but you could still be non-traditional at the same time. In this way, we would meet with each and everyone’s form of sharing and understanding. Thank you for bearing with my thoughts.


The myth that cellphone can burn a whole gas station.

Is the myth real about cellphones can cause fire to the gas station?
This is the myth when you approach a gas station the employees there say that “please turn off all cellphones because it might cause fire”. Now we are going to see if the myth is true or not, this helps us when we go to a gasoline station to know what to do and to know how to prevent fire cases, and if we have some important calls or messages to see when we are at a gas station.